Our values

Africa as you never imagined daring it

Our view of Africa is different from the rest of the world. We think the latter is full of incredible wealth in many areas. Our mission is to make you discover and enjoy them, wherever you are in the world. We work with craftsmen, farmers, fashion designers, African brands, seasoned people in the cultural, tourist fields etc, because we want to be sure to offer you only the best. We fly to be sure that your Kama Radiance experience will make you see Africa and Africa's products, as we see them. That is to say, source of a lot of happiness!

Africa as you never imagined daring it

Natural is the best

Natural is the best

Fair trade as a contribution to Africa's economic development

We believe that fair trade will be the way for Africa's balance, and we want to contribute to this by buying products at their fair price.

Fair trade as a contribution to Africa's economic development